The logistics around getting our food to the customers, particularly in Eugene and Springfield on Tuesdays, is getting a slight make-over. We hope these changes will enable us to bring fresh food to you more efficiently.
Starting on Jan. 28, Full Farm CSA will be adjusting our delivery areas and fees. The last day for the current set up is Jan. 21.
Delivery Fee
Home delivery will now have a base price of $20 per house. If you are a Harvester subscriber at $500 per month, you will be reimbursed $10 of that fee, meaning delivery is no longer entirely free for Harvester members.
The best way to get free delivery to your home in Eugene, Springfield, Corvallis and Junction City is to spend more than $125 per order - this minimum order amount has not changed.
Delivery Area
We are also more carefully selecting our delivery area. Currently we use zip code maps to denote home delivery zones, but there are problems. Some zip code areas stretch quite far outside of urban areas, requiring us to drive 12 to 15 minutes to deliver to a single home. Because of this, we are requesting some customers to use a drop site instead of home delivery.
To check your location, please use the website and the new interactive map on the subscribe page. Click on the map to go to the interactive page.
On the map you can see all our drop sites marked with a red dot. These sites are available to any customer and are always free to use.
To see the home delivery areas, zoom in on the grey-highlighted area around Corvallis, Junction City, Eugene and Springfield. If your address is within the outlined zone, you can schedule home delivery. If your home does not fall within that zone, you’ll need to begin using a dropsite.
We also have new drop sites coming on in the near future - stay tuned!
Text Updates During Delivery
You may have also noticed we are improving our communication on Tuesdays and Saturdays by sending text updates about when to expect your delivery. All home and drop site deliveries now receive a text on Mondays confirming the order, and a text on Tuesdays with a link to track the arrival of the delivery. If the arrival time changes significantly, you’ll also get a text about that, as well as a text saying the order was delivered.
To opt out of these notifications, please just reply with STOP in the text thread.
The notifications are sent from Optimo, the software that manages our delivery routes. Here’s what they might look like in your messaging app.
If you click on the links, you’ll be taken to screens like this:
For more information about the order fulfillment process we follow, check out this blog post: