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Meet-a-Student: Brayan Meza

Writer: Laura WayteLaura Wayte

Brayan joined us at Deck Family Farm last summer from Peru. He is a 28 year old graduate of the National University of Central Peru where he earned a bachelor degree in zootechnics, which is the study of animal husbandry. 


He found Deck Family Farm through the Multinational Exchange for Sustainable Agriculture, or MESA, which sponsors training visas for people to study farming in the U.S., Sri Lanka, Ecuador, Peru, Kenya, and Haiti. MESA stewards are matched with U.S. host mentor

farms for up to 12 months of on-site training and cultural immersion. 


Brayan brought with him previous experience with cows and dairy farming and a lovely, easy-going attitude. He is improving his English and now taking his turn at manning our booths at farmers markets. 


He decided to spend a year with Deck because he wants to learn more about organic farming. Eventually, he plans to teach organic practices to communities in Peru.

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